Saturday, January 15, 2011

the telephone game

How is this for an embarrassing admission... back in the day, I went to a few "Girls' Brigade" meetings *blush*. Even more embarrassing - it was just now when I looked up where the apostrophe goes in that organisation's name that I realised it is Christian.

Anyway, one of the games we played, apart from "Who stole the cookie..." was the telephone game. Which involved pretty much the same thing as the cookie one, but you had to handball a call to someone else around the circle. Looking back, it taught pretty bad telephone habits because the response was always "If it isn't [insert name here] then I'm not home". These days, caller ID and mobs have pretty much taken care of the need to screen.

Back to the point. I've sadly neglected my candy supplies recently and when I remembered that it was Debilitator's birthday during the first week back at work, my choice of cakes was limited by the availability of decorations. So, the old fashioned telephone got the gig.

 I made two cakes - a simple vanilla cake in a loaf tin for the handle, and a chocolate cake for the base of the phone. The icing was easy as and the decorations were not demanding - my only fault was forgetting the licorice cord, but I remedied that quickly before I took the cake in. No pics, though.

Happy (very belated) birthday, Debilitator.


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