Sunday, February 27, 2011

In celebration of our nation

In the last few years, Australia Day has been growing, but this year, it seems to have reached a whole new level. Little flags were flying on utes and micro cars everywhere. (Apparently a freebie in the Herald Sun goes a long way.)
On a side note, it’s interesting how strong our attachment to a symbol from our past. Which is probably going to get new again with the royal wedding this year – a cause for celebration to reunite the colonies…
Anyway, back to our Australia Day celebrations, and we all know that every good celebration requires cake. So of course I jumped on the symbolic bandwagon to make an aussie flag cake.
The recipe was largely determined by ingredients around the kitchen, and two very ripe bananas that were begging to be cooked. Due to previous popularity, the honey yoghurt banana cake recipe was selected, and with only one small hitch (only two instead of four bananas – worked out fine anyway) I had a cake to decorate.
The great thing about making a flag cake is that all you need is a rectangle – for once, so simple. What wasn’t so great was the fact that I still couldn’t find my piping bag – so the union jack came out pretty demented. With my Aussie flag to model off, the stars all made it to the right position – even if they didn’t all have the right number of points (that really wreaked of effort!).
As is tradition, our BBQ had more than enough food on offer, and following way too many snags, lamb, burgers and delightful salads it was time for dessert. While the pavs were the traditional favourite, the banana cake was certainly the photo favourite – and nobody turned down a serving of both!
Betty xx

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