Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hickory Dickory... watch

Thanks Betty, for the lovely introduction. Apparently Google is smarter than Vic Roads, who reckon it's only 649km that separates the baking gurus - but we know better. It's not about the distance but about the love, and we are definitely sharing the love.

The first chapter of the Book (writing it like that is writing it like it's the Bible, but it's about cakes. which means it's better) is called Story Book Favourites. Favourites, indeed.

The prototype:
Who doesn't remember with fondness the nursery rhyme of hickory,, watch. I guess this is designed for the more time poor mothers, who could only decorate a simple 20cm diameter packet butter cake, rather than Betty's next venture, which requires - shall we say - sculpting.

This cake is an adventure in "looks easy but gets messy". Hundreds and thousands go EVERYWHERE... hopefully it's worth it. We will find out tomorrow when my colleagues actually sample it.

I think it worked out well - even though my estimation of "20cm round cake tin" was approximately 3.7cm short. Sorry about the squishy roman numerals, Betty.

xo Martha

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